Friday, January 4, 2013


Well...It's been forever since I've written a post on here. No...I haven't given up my writing dreams and goals. I have been busy with a lot of life changes. After a ton of prayer and thought and wrestling I made the difficult decision to resign as a pastor in Michigan for a number of personal reasons. My family and I have moved to Minnnesota and I am now training to be a plumber. I've always enjoyed working with my hands and helping people and plumbing is an awesome skill to acquire...especially as we now own our house here and will need to do some bathroom remodeling when we have the money. It also pays the bills...which is extremely important.

I still plan to use many of my skills as a pastor, especially my Greek and Hebrew translating and Bible background knowledge etc. as I write Christian historical fiction. I have even more ideas and possibilities to take little known or barely-mentioned people in the Bible and imagine what their life might have been like. I think sometimes its so easy to read right over such names and forget that they were real people with real purpose in God's plan and that they are mentioned for a reason. Yes, even the long lists of strange names. Each one is a face, a life, a story that intersected with Bible history. It reminds us that we all are important in our own way as part of God's work in the world even if our names are not written in the Bible. I now expect to have even more time that I can fully dedicate to writing this book. I've been faithfully getting up early every morning before work to put in some time on writing. My new goal is to have a completed, well-researched, self-edited draft by the end of June of this year. I also plan to write a post on here at least once a week.

God has amazing things in store for each of us and I am already finding his blessings in all these changes. May he bless and keep all of you as you go into this new year confident in God's everlasting promises and with the deep joy of Christ's salvation permeating every circumstance in your life and all you do.

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